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This is howto for Online Web2py IDE , which will allow you to develope web2py applications directly while testing on the browser , directly Online . Supported Browser = Firefox .

To do this , You will need to get the following Great stuffs first .

1 . Its All Text (Firefox Addon) : 2 . Ulipad (Open source Fullfeatured Python IDE) :

A brief Description: Its All Text : Very cool development addon for firefox! , its allow you to do any kind of text editing in firefox using and editor , it is a bridge between editor and browser's TextArea or TextBox on the webpage.

Ulipad: The best Python IDE For me! , which made me stop using pydev , It have Autocompletion as good as Eclipse PyDEV plus many many features that pydev have , are in Ulipad , but Compare to Eclipse Pydev , it is very light weight (around 2 MB for linux 5 MB for Windows installer) . Very fast , very easy for configuration and can easily extend using plugins or can modify code easily as it is written in python and it is opensource. Also the author limodou of Ulipad is a member and user of web2py too , he made a web2py plugin for Ulipad , which is already included in latest version.

Now , Lets stop talking and start working!

After you have done the downloads and installation :

1 . Configure Its All Text plugin to use Ulipad - On Firefox Click tools , addons . - On firefox extensions , right click its All Text , click prefrences - On the editor path , set to ulipad's executable path.

2 . Login to your web2py admin page , click your app , click design , click edit on app's file you want to edit . (eg , on welcome , under controllers click edit for -There the code you want to edit will be loaded into web2py's default syntax highlighting editor - After that , you will see a little oval shape and blue color edit button floating. - If you cannot click edit button , try to turn of the syntax editor by clicking Toggle Editor at the bottom left. - Click it Ulipad will be loaded with the code of the python page you want to edit. then go document , syntax highlight , choose python. if you find that repetitive you can set python as default highlighting in prefrences of ulipad. - Also on plugins , make sure web2py is checked.

3 .There you can now use Ulipad as Web2py IDE!! And enjoy auto-completion , syntax checks , (debugging wont work tho but u can depend built in debugger of web2py for it ) .

  1. When you finished edits , click save! and look at the web2py's default editor , it will flash with yellow . After that , click save again on the web2py's default editor!

  2. Then test by browsing your edited page ! There you go! Fully featured web2py IDE!

© 2008-2010 by Massimo Di Pierro - All rights reserved - Powered by web2py - design derived from a theme by the earlybird
The content of this book is released under the Artistic License 2.0 - Modified content cannot be reproduced.