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if you have any experience with this please expand this page

web2py run on any hosting service that provides python2.5, even if they say they do not support it.

there are many possible configurations and you have to choose the most appropriate: - apache + mod_proxy (easiest way) - apache + mod_rewrite - apache + mod_wsgi (best way if you understand wsgi) - lighttpd + fcgi (fastest desployment configuration)

apache + mod_proxy

  • Start web2py from its own folder with (nohup will avoid that it does when you logout)

    nohup python2.5 -p 8000 -a yourpassword &

  • configure apache to proxy port 8000. As an example here is my apache configuration

apache + mod_rewite

  • Start web2py from its own folder with (nohup will avoid that it does when you logout)

    nohup python2.5 -i yourip -p 8000 -a yourpassword &

  • configure apache to rewrite the request and use port 8000

apache + mod_wsgi

Read the file in the web2py folder

lightpd + fcgi

Read the file in the web2py folder

webfaction exception:

webfaction does not allow editing the apache config file but it requires going through their web based GUI. The easiest way to proceed it to use their GUI an empty cherrypy 3.0.0 project. After you create the project, use the shell to locate the newly created application folder. You will find a that starts an empty cherry app (note that it contains an assigned port number). Edit this file as follows:

from gluon.main import HttpServer
PORT=3221 ## The one in
PASSWORD='whatever' server=HttpServer(ip='',port=PORT,password=PASSWORD,pid_filename='pid')

then copy web2py/* into the cherrypy app folder.

You may also want to read the experimental web2py installer for webfaction:

Let us know if you have trouble.

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The content of this book is released under the Artistic License 2.0 - Modified content cannot be reproduced.